Category Archives: Mindfulness

Mindfulness, mindful living, mindful way of life, mindfulness practice, being mindful

Breathing In, Breathing Out – Mindfulness Practice For ALL Occasions

I wanted to share the recent news from Plum Village Monastery.  Many of you know that beloved master teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, had a stroke and is being treated in America.  A report posted on the Plum Village website shares his progress, including his first spoken words.  Here is an excerpt that is so heart […]

Why Practice Mindfulness & Meditation? Part 1

If you are new to mindfulness, congratulations on finding one of the most powerful practices for a better life! I know this because I began mindfulness study and practice over 20 years ago and have worked with 100s of clients to change their lives through mindfulness practices, and all of us feel it’s the most […]

More On Gratitude

I once had the privilege to hear spiritual teacher, David Hawkins, speak about gratitude.  He said “To be grateful takes requirements off of life, and puts requirements on me.”  This is such wisdom. We place requirements on life all the time and get upset when it doesn’t meet our demands.  “I want this. I want […]

Living in the Mystery

How often I forget that I actually know nothing as it relates to ultimate Truth.  Reflecting on being human just brings me to a place of mystery.  Even when I think I “know” my life purpose, it’s just a thought in my mind.  The closest I can come to real knowing is “heart knowing”, which […]

Ego Games: Beware when You Compare!

Have you ever noticed the tendency to compare yourself to others? To make decisions about how you are doing based on how others are doing?  And have you noticed that when you do this, you may find yourself feeling like “not enough”? Comparing is often so habitual, we don’t even notice we’re doing it.  But […]

Happy Mindful New Year!!!

Here it is, the end of 2011 and the beginning of a New Year!  It is such a special time of the year, that we are reminded to stay awake to the powerful energy of transition.  It is an opportunity to learn lessons, to let go, to celebrate, and to step forward with intention.  As […]

Mind-Body-Spirit Alignment Workshop

Many times the alignment choices we desire to make with our body are affected by our adherence to mental beliefs we didn’t even realize we had. Brook Montagna, MS, of Mindful Life Coaching will be hosting a two-hour workshop addressing:1) Inflexible belief systems and perceptions that are generating incorrect messages to the Central Nervous System, […]

Do BE Do BE Do, The Mindfulness of Getting Things Done

TO DO lists help us remember and get things done.But have you noticed that often these lists are ever present in our minds?We’re always wondering what to do next, what we forgot to do, and what we need to add to the list? How might it be if instead we were vigilant about a TO […]

Mother’s Day Mindfulness Meditation

Wishing you a Mindful Mother’s Day! Whether you are spending time with your Mother, with your children, with your spouse, with your friends, with your pets, at work, time alone, or all of the above, you may find the following meditation practice helpful in experiencing greater joy and peace, no matter what your mothering experiences […]

The wisdom of what is – Be Mindful

Because of human conditioning to be mentally ‘anywhere but here’, we find it isn’t easy to simply be present. But when we can have just one moment of acceptance of ‘what is’, one moment of internal silence, one moment of mindfulness, one moment in the Now, there is an indescribable peace that we recognize as […]