Category Archives: Inspiration

Quotes, stories, poems and lyrics from Personal LIfe Coach, Spiritual Life Coach, & Mindfulness Coach Brook Montagna.

Why Practice Mindfulness & Meditation? Part 1

If you are new to mindfulness, congratulations on finding one of the most powerful practices for a better life! I know this because I began mindfulness study and practice over 20 years ago and have worked with 100s of clients to change their lives through mindfulness practices, and all of us feel it’s the most […]

Happy Mindful New Year!!!

Here it is, the end of 2011 and the beginning of a New Year!  It is such a special time of the year, that we are reminded to stay awake to the powerful energy of transition.  It is an opportunity to learn lessons, to let go, to celebrate, and to step forward with intention.  As […]

Self Confidence Begins with Self Acceptance: Tips from a Life Coach for Women

Many women suffer from lack of self confidence and low self esteem and it frustrates them to no end.  They want to do more, speak up more often, and feel better about their presence in the world.  Basically, they want to audition for, and land, the lead role in their own lives! Often the root […]

Qualities of the Divine Feminine From “The Courage to Be Yourself” by Sue Patton Thoele

The Feminine is the embodiment of heart energy.Her key qualities are compassion and the ability to accept and honor the process of whatever is happening.Perhaps this is often easier for women because we are physically and emotionally programmed to honor the cycle of conception, pregnancy, and birth to welcome and include whoever may be born […]

Gratitude: Mindfulness Practice Tips from a Life Coach for Women

The Gratitude holiday, Thanksgiving, is upon us.  Time for giving thanks.  But just in case you are feeling a little low on appreciation, let’s make sure we are filled to the brim with gratitude before giving thanks.  Don’t you just love the feeling of appreciation and gratitude?  It really is an attitude, or state of […]

En-Joy the Holiday! (or ANY day)

For many, the holiday season is stressful – time, money, family demands, travel, end of year deadlines – the list goes on. Sometimes experiencing sanity seems like a more reasonable goal than experiencing joy! Then, to compound the matter, we often become overly concerned for the joy of family members, friends, co-workers. Though well intentioned, […]

Do BE Do BE Do, The Mindfulness of Getting Things Done

TO DO lists help us remember and get things done.But have you noticed that often these lists are ever present in our minds?We’re always wondering what to do next, what we forgot to do, and what we need to add to the list? How might it be if instead we were vigilant about a TO […]

Mindful lessons learned

“I didn’t make any mistakes, I just know a thousand ways not to make a light bulb.” —- Thomas Edison Looking for the life lessons in our challenging circumstances isn’t always easy, for sure. However when we do, we capture the gems of our lives that may have gone unnoticed. Sometimes, just facing the challenge […]

The wisdom of what is – Be Mindful

Because of human conditioning to be mentally ‘anywhere but here’, we find it isn’t easy to simply be present. But when we can have just one moment of acceptance of ‘what is’, one moment of internal silence, one moment of mindfulness, one moment in the Now, there is an indescribable peace that we recognize as […]

Poem in your Pocket Day – Gift of Mindfulness

Thursday, April 29 is Poem in Your Pocket Day. Here’s the one I’ll be carrying: ‘Tis a gift to be simple, ‘Tis a gift to be free, ‘Tis a gift to come down Where we ought to be And when we find ourselves In the place that’s right ‘Twill be in the valley Of love […]